Here in The ((BUBBLE)) we'll be bringing you candid insights into what makes ((BOUNCE)) tick - the people!
Listen to interviews with your favourite Instructors and Franchisees across the UK, giving you 'access all areas' into what it's like in the ((B)) ((BUBBLE)). What makes them laugh, what makes them cry and where they get all their energy from!
Also hear fitness tips from those we admire, and discover health hacks and empowering advice from experts in the field.
Living in the ((B)) ((BUBBLE)) is the place to ((B)) when you're not in class!

Episode ELEVEN
16TH JULY 2020

Episode TEN
9TH JULY 2020

Episode NINE
2ND JULY 2020

Episode EIGHT
25TH JUNE 2020

Episode SEVEN
18TH JUNE 2020

Episode Six
11TH JUNE 2020

Episode fIVE
4TH JUNE 2020

Episode four
28th May 2020

Episode THREE
21ST May 2020

Episode TWO
14th May 2020

Episode one
7th May 2020